Shabby Blog Wheels on the Bus

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another way to sneak in writing practice!

Ever since I saw this idea on Pinterest, I knew it would work for our family. I also began to realize we had done this very thing before years ago -- but back then, our little ones couldn't yet read or write -- they could only draw pictures. I knew that their new skills could really make this idea blossom, and I was right.

So we decorated paper envelope "mailboxes" once again and taped them to our doors. (Yes, my husband and me, too!)

Nearly every night the kids tuck plain paper under their arms and snag a pencil on the way to bed. Baring down on a book, they write letters and fictional stories to each other, then tiptoe out to tuck the notes into each other's mailboxes.

They send their mom and dad notes, too, sometimes...and we leave love notes for them, too.

Not only is it a family building idea, it's another neat (and fun) way to sneak in creative writing, penmanship, and spelling practice!

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