Shabby Blog Wheels on the Bus

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finishing up the OT

Mr. Tinker's Bible/handwriting curriculum (My Father's World) asks him to read a story from the Old Testament each day and then write a sentence summary of it, followed by an illustration in his Bible Notebook.

We wrapped up the OT this week, and I had a great time looking back over the drawings he did for each of the stories.

He's not a huge fan of drawing -- he'd much rather write -- so his illustrations are fairly simple and unadorned...but they are super precious.

Keepsakes for sure!

(Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to bow down and worship the statue)

(Jonah and the big fish)

(Elijah calling down fire from Heaven)

(The plague of the gnats in Egypt)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I LOVE the drawings. :) Isn't MFW curriculum great?? My first visit to your blog... loved it! Check mine out if you get a chance. :)
